31 Top Quotes By Aaron Allston, The Famous Game Designer

I don't have to blow up everything I see... I just like to.

Oh, wonderful. I killed his father. He hates me. He knows how to make bombs. Come on, Wedge, how does this story end?

There are times when the end justifies the means. But when you build an argument based on a whole series of such times, you may find that you've constructed an entire philosophy of evil." --Luke Skywalker

Rogue Squadron doesn’t run. Unless we really, really have to." "No, this will be Wraith Squadron’s mission." "We don’t mind running. Even when we don’t have to.

I don't know. Your the Jedi Master, you figure it out.

Sometimes to heal, you must first get hurt.

I have to say, this sounds like the worst idea in a thousand generations of bad ideas." "You haven't heard all our ideas." Luke & Bhindi Drayson

At which time the repulsor puts out its final effort and slows you down so you crash quite slowly into the surface." "Crash." "Quite slowly." Face & Luke

No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence. -General Wedge Antilles

Obviously a fake Kyp. You distract him. I'll shoot him under the table." Han (to Leia)

Luke, I don't want to discourage your curiosity, but I have to remind you, if something goes wrong, this is an exceptionally embarassing way to die." Mara

I marked their location in case Kell wanted to blow them up or something.” “I don’t have to blow up everything I see. I just like to.

When are they going to stop calling me General?" "When are they going to stop calling me Princess?" Han & Leia

Begging your pardon, sir, but you’re crazy enough to be a Wraith." "Until you’ve crewed with me for a few years, kid, you have no idea what ‘crazy’ means.

There will be pages. Lots and lots of pages. Most of the pages will have letters on them, and a vast majority of these letters will be in the Roman alphabet.

When all else fails, complicate matters.

That's treason. I like it." Booster

I hope you’re rushing to tell me that the chef has acquired Jacen Solo’s entrails and is braising them for dinner.” “Not quite, Admiral.” “Life is full of disappointments.

Mission One is the meeting with Zsinj. Face commands and has chosen Dia and Kell to accompany him. This is all intelligence gathering, very delicate, which is why the crew is full of deadly killers.

Where did you learn that smile? Have you been practicing in front of a holo of Han Solo?" Mara to Luke

…The Antilles and Horn clans sat at a folding table between two StealthXs, playing what looked like a cutthroat game of sabacc.

To go elsewhere would mean starting all over. Learning as a child does. I have been a child already. I will not yield one bit, one speck of the power and influence I have now.

Janson gave him a look that was all mock cheer. “Oh, wonderful. I killed his father. He hates me. He knows how to make bombs. Come on, Wedge, how does this story end?

You can't look dignified when you're having fun.

Cuteness should be preserved.

With politics, nothing runs right ... but without politics, nothing runs." Diss Ti'wyn

You can’t reduce sapient lives to numbers and exchange them like credits.

Remember us. Remember us as we used to be, before the universe turned against us. Young, beautiful, strong, brave, admirable, loved, loving...' --Alema Rar

Sort of like what Joruus C'baoth did for Thrawn." "I'm not talking about ancient history, I'm talking about now." Luke & Jaina