23 Must-Read Quotes By Bill Nye, The Science Guy

The(re is no) End

No other organism on Earth does that. Yes, yes, I understand that dolphins are very smart, but I don’t think they build libraries or even contemplate such a project.

We are killing off species at the rate of about one per day. It is estimated that humans are driving species to extinction at least a thousand times faster than the otherwise natural rate.

I feel strongly that we need the young people of today to become the scientists and the engineers of tomorrow so that my native United States continues to be a world leader in discovery and innovation.

We are all aware that evolution happens, because we all have parents.

After an electric car, other vehicles just seem like old-tech, gas-burning, pollution-making throwback machines. Which, frankly, they are.

The word purebred is something we can define by counting generations back in dog-sex land. But it is not an indication of species or anything special, really.

It is only through very unusual happenstance that we are able to find any trace of the past. That’s why, when exciting new (or are they old?) fossils are found, it is—thrilling.

We all have DNA, and it’s nearly the same. In rhesus monkeys, we’re close to 93 percent the same. In mice, it’s closer to 90 percent overall.

More than five hundred people have flown in space and twelve people have walked on the moon, but only three humans in history have been to the bottom of the ocean.

Earth is currently reckoned to be 4.54 billion years old. Based on fossilized mats or layers of bacteria, we figure life got started here at least 3.5 billion years ago.

So long as we each focus only on our individual decisions and their short-term consequences, we will act like renters, not owners of this Earth.

Most of the living things on our planet are microscopic, and those microscopic organisms are less like you than you are like a cabbage.

We must reverse the current trend and preserve as much biodiversity as possible. If we don’t, we will sooner or later join the fossil record of extinction.

The less we do to address climate change now, the more regulation we will have in the future.

A woman came up to Michael Faraday after he performed this demonstration and asked: “But, Mr. Faraday, of what use is it?” Faraday famously replied, “Madam, of what use is a newborn babe?

I myself have had long discussions with my dog friends, and by that I mean my friends who are dogs.

Evolution, and the selection of reproduction-worthy genes that drives it, is the opposite of random. It is a sieve that living things have to pass through successfully, or we never see them again.

The possibility of genetic modification reminds me of the need for a scientifically literate electorate. Please stay tuned and vote!

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature.

Scientifically speaking, there is tribalism and group bias, but there cannot be any such thing as racism. We are all one.

Skin color is basically a measure of the local ultraviolet levels, and it is controlled by relatively minor adaptive changes in the genome.

It’s survival of the good-enough.