103 Top Gordon Brown Quotes That Will Surely Fillip Your Efforts

Cowdenbeath Football Club have always been at the centre of Cowdenbeath - literally and in every aspect of community life.

Foreign policy can no longer be the province of just a few elites.

For centuries, individuals have been learning how to live with their next-door neighbours.

It will not be a surprise to you to learn I'm more interested in the future of the Arctic Circle than the future of the Arctic Monkeys.

I don't believe that any prime minister would send our troops into conflict without the assurance from the military that they had the equipment necessary for the operation.

Those who write off our European heritage are, at least in part, writing off their own heritage.

Almost certainly, my ancestors had travelled by sea from Sweden to England in search of prosperity, and the evidence suggests they left Sweden around the ninth or 10th centuries.

I think it's important that people know who you are and... can ask any questions they like about you.

Meet the challenges of the time.

Making the desirable possible requires us to make the desirable popular, electable, credible, and something that people want to hold on to.

Our ability to connect as a nation with other nations around the world is enhanced dramatically by the Internet.

I'm all for greater co-operation between Europe and America because I think that sometimes we've missed out on the benefits that transatlantic trade could give both continents, and I've been pressing this since 1997.

To make Europe more effective is a worthwhile objective. To make Europe less important in your calculations is a big mistake.

Famously, I'm somewhat impatient.

There's no point dwelling on the worst things people have said - there's a job to do.

People believe in the power of education to change lives.

You can drink too much tea.

When people criticise you, you've got to listen to that criticism, and to learn from it, which I've tried to do.

When things are difficult, you have to be sure of who you are and what you want to achieve.

I've got a job to do.

Every country is going to have to face up to globalisation, but Scotland has got a unique capacity because of its history as part of a multinational state to help us deal with that problem.

A woman said to me, 'You're better than your successor.' She then said she's lived under 10 prime ministers, and each was worse than the last. That put me in my place.

You can't just vote for yourself. All the time, you're thinking what sort of country, what world, what future?

We've managed to find a way of making decisions that prevents conflict arising - there has been no war between European members at any point in the last 70 years.

What is happened in the years since the Second World War is not a temporary truce. It is not simply a ceasefire. Instead of battling with weapons and armaments, people battle only with arguments and ideas.

Let us think of ourselves not as 'yes' and 'no' Scots but simply as Scots, and let us be a nation, united again.

I believe that our vote is both a public duty and a sacred trust.

It is not a mistake to want power.

Collective European Union action could mean no hiding places for evaders, no safe haven for tax avoiders, and no treasure islands for money launderers.

The patriotism in Britain comes from us being a leader. On jobs, on tax havens, on workers' rights, on the environment. We can be leading Europe... and it will be to the benefit of every British citizen.