102 Jack Ma Quotes That Will Inspire You To Strive For Your Yearning

I think U.S. and Chinese businesses need a common language and dialogue.

China is still the fastest growing economy in the world, but we need to learn how to use money in a better way, and it's about quality, not quantity.

It's impossible for China to keep 10 to 15% growth annually. The economy needed to slow down, and we have to learn to slow down.

Consumption is still going up on Alibaba. This is because when the economy goes down people look online to Alibaba to buy cheaper things.

People say, 'Well you know the economy's bad, so China consumption will be low. No, totally different. You Americans love to spend tomorrow's money, and other people's money maybe... We Chinese love to save money.

When I graduated from university I tried to buy a beeper, and it cost me $250. My pay at the time was $10 a month.

Every technological revolution takes about 50 years.

IBM, Microsoft, the profit they made was larger than the top four banks in China put together... But where did the money go?

Helping doing business easier, we choose the name Alibaba because it is a global company. It is founded in China, but it was created for the world.

Our focused customers are small business and young people. We did a great job in China. How can we help those young people in India, in Pakistan, in Africa. If they can use in the same ways.

Every government says they love small businesses, but what have they done for them? We should pull down all the barriers.

The competition between me and Bill Gates, probably: Who can spend money more effectively that can do better philanthropy.

EBay is a great company. There are a lot of good assets and good customers, and the U.S. people love it.

I absolutely don't have $20 billion. But I'd love to, right?

I am going to enjoy some other things apart from business.

I don't want people in China to have deep pockets but shallow minds.

I don't care about revenues.

Year 2008 wiped out $19.2 trillion in US income... What if the money was spent on the Midwest of the United States?

I think Yahoo is a great company, with great assets.

The name Jack was given by an American tourist.

When we started the e-commerce, nobody believed that China would have e-commerce because people believed in 'guang-shi,' face-to-face, and all kinds of network in traditional ways. There's no trust system in China.

I want to stress the importance of being fair to our readers. You should not impose your own view and prejudice on the readers and try to lead them to a conclusion. As a reader, I understand what a fair report is.

A trade war would be a disaster for the world. It's very easy to slip into a trade war.

I'm just a purist. What is important in my life is that I can do something that can influence many people and influence China's development. When I am myself, I am relaxed and happy and have a good result.

When I was starting out, I thought about how the Internet is global and that we should have a global name, a name that's interesting. At that time, the best name was Yahoo! Suddenly I thought, 'Alibaba is a good name.'

It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys. It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way.

When I was 12 years old, I got interested in learning English.

My job is to help more people have jobs.

People think, 'Jack, you do too much.'

I want people to learn what democracy means.