26 Great Kinky Friedman Quotes That You Can’t Miss
Kinky Friedman is an American songwriter, humorist, country singer, novelist, columnist, and a politician. He showed great interest in music since his childhood and formed his first band called the ‘King Arthur & the Carrots’ during his college. After graduation, he joined the ‘United States Peace Corps’ as a teacher, and co-founded a band named ‘Kinky Friedman and The Texas Jewboys’. This band collaborated with other famous musicians to make rock music, and this helped Friedman to become popular as a western singer. He came out with his first album titled ‘Sold American’ which was followed by his self-titled album. His songs like ‘Ride ‘Em Jewboy’ reflected his sense of social responsibility as they conveyed some important social messages in a jovial manner. Later when his music career witnessed a downfall he turned towards writing. He wrote detective novels and came out with his first novel ‘Greenwich Killing Time’ which was well-appreciated by the masses. This encouraged him to further write sixteen more novels to nurture his reputation as a novelist. He even aspired to become a politician and contested to become the Governor of Texas but was unsuccessful. Here is a compilation of quotes and sayings by this multi-faceted artist. These quotes and sayings have been excerpted from the vast sea of his work. Read on the famous thoughts and quotations by Kinky Friedman on fiction, detective, motivation, passion and myths.

I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.

Now I have a cat. Well, that's not quite accurate. A cat and I have each other.

You don't accomplish much by swimming with the mainstream. Hell, a dead fish can do that.

If you have the choice between humble and cocky, go with cocky. There's always time to be humble later, once you've been proven horrendously, irrevocably wrong.

Well, I hate to be the one to take the flyswatter to Tinker Bell, but...

If you're lookin' for a helpin' hand, try the one at the end of your arm.

May the God of your choice bless you.

Man's ability to delude himself is infinite.

I'm going to lower the drinking age to eighteen. If you're old enough to die in Iraq, you're old enough to drink.

Politics is the only field of human endeavor where the more experience you have, the worse you get.

There's a fine line between fiction and non-fiction and I think I snorted it somewhere in 1979

I was so high, I needed a stepladder to scratch my own ass.

Happiness is a moving target.

Friday night was the night most people thought they were supposed to have fun. Trouble was most people didn't know what fun was or how to have it, so things usually ended up pretty ugly.

A fool and his money are soon elected

Always respect your superiors, if you have any.

Every time you see a beautiful woman, just remember, somebody else got tired of her shit

The best fiction is true.

Why did i so passionately require the truth? because all great fiction is true

Never re-elect anybody

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on a saddle.

The art of writing fiction is to sail as dangerously close to the truth as possible without sinking the ship

How hard can it be?

He looked like an accountant or a serial-killer type. Definitely one of the service industries.

If you don't love Jesus-go to hell!