70 Motivational Quotes By Mike Ditka For The Football Fans

Success isn't permanent, and failure isn't fatal.

Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace.

If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms.

Effort without talent is a depressing situation... but talent without effort is a tragedy.

The ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves.

I do like beer, but lately I've started drinking non-alcoholic beer and I like the taste of it and I don't get the alcohol, so that's a good alternative also.

Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace.

Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy.
Here's what I tell anybody and this is what I believe. The greatest gift we have is the gift of life. We understand that. That comes from our Creator. We're given a body. Now you may not like it, but you can maximize that body the best it can be maximized.

If you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done.

I always tell people I want to live to be 150 and they say why would you want to do that. I say, well there's a few people I haven't made mad yet, I want to get them.

You never really lose until you quit trying.

If things came easy, then everybody would be great at what they did, let's face it.

If you're not in the parade, you watch the parade. That's life.

I think your alcohol intake has to change. You know, usually a big person feels they can drink anything they want to and as much as they want to and I've cut that way back.
Basically, my problem was attributed to stress more than anything. I don't know what that does and I guess doctors can tell you that there's chemicals that build up in your system when you go through a lot of stress and constant stress.

I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly, get your rest and exercise. If you don't exercise and do the other two, I still don't think it's going to help you that much.

Success is about having, excellence is about being. Success is about having money and fame, but excellence is being the best you can be.

I do some weights and I do a lot of stretching.

You are never a loser until you quit trying.

You're never a loser until you quit trying

Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won.

Motivation comes from within each individual. It's a personal thing. It's pride, guts, desire, whatever you want to call it; some people have it in their bellies, and some don't.

I don't believe in living in the past. Living in the past is for cowards. If you live in the past, you die in the past.

When I get my heart rate up, I get good exercise and I think it's good for a lot of things, plus it's not hurting my hips right now.

People want a cop-out, listen I'm a realist and I talk about motivation, talk about all the things it takes to be greater or are important to win and people want to use excuses all the time.

You're never a loser until you quit trying." -Mike Ditka

If God wanted us to play soccer, he would've given only 1 in 11 people arms.
You gotta live in the moment. I don't care what you've done in your life, it has nothing to do with what you're gonna do or what you can do. The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift-that's why they call it the present.
What you feel spiritually. I think a lot of that has to do with it. If you have no spiritual life, chances are everything is going to aggravate you, you're going to fly off the handle at everything and that's what I did in the past. I've kind of got that under control now.